Become Equipped to Powerfully Minister Jesus to Others

Ministry is not just for church leaders. All Christians are to be ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Engaging Instruction

Receive from instructors that are passionate about the content and how it will change your life.

Elevating Life

Building in you the next glorious level in Christ, so that you can reign victoriously in this world with Him.

Empowering Purpose

Igniting the hope of your calling through the transformation and renewing of your mind.

Our Most Popular Courses

These courses are sure to bring you into a new level of experiencing the goodness of God for yourself, and so that you can give it away to others.


Why Jesus? – Full Course

There is more to experience in the life of Jesus than the forgiveness of sin! Yes, that is important, but we might as well get the full package. Let's explore 22 reasons that Jesus came to this earth, lived, died and rose again. This will lead you on a path of freedom and breakthrough as you receive these truths!


Inner Healing & Deliverance 101

How do you get healed from wounds and traumas from the past? How do I get free from demonic oppression? In this course, Ryan Benroth teaches on the Biblical basis and foundations of inner (soul) healing and deliverance and leads you through some application of these principles that will produce healing and freedom in your life. This course includes 11 sessions with over 4.5 hours of teaching and application.


Apostolic & Fivefold Ministry

What is an apostle? What is fivefold ministry? These essential topics lead to the transformation of the Church into the amazing, life-giving representation of Jesus that God intended. Ryan Benroth teaches on the ministry of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher, and pastor. These ministry gifts contribute to people being built into loving and powerful expressions of Jesus wherever they go. Learning of the importance of each of these gifts of Jesus being expressed in the Church, which transforms the Body into the most powerful force on the planet.


Why Jesus? – FREE Mini Course

In this course you will take a more inclusive look at the full Gospel of Jesus. Yes, He came to forgive sin, but there is so much more that we get to receive from God, if we grow in faith to believe what He says. In this preview, we will explore 5 reasons that Jesus came to this earth, lived, died and rose again. As you receive these truths, you will increase your expectation to see more of what Jesus has offered us!


Healing Church Hurt

Close relationships are inevitably going to produce offense, and sometimes even wounding or trauma. These hurts need to be acknowledged and healed, so that you can both receive from the Church and also share your gift with the Body of Christ. Join us in learning various ways that people can experience church hurt, and most importantly engage in a process of healing and freedom.


Healing Sexual Trauma VIP

This course is for those who signed up for the VIP sessions of the Healing Sexual Trauma Workshop. Lifetime access to all session replays are included in the course.


Inner Healing & Freedom Mentorship

This is a continually growing course with over 30 hours of content on Inner Healing and Deliverance. When you subscribe to the mentorship, you also get access to this course and all past content including a private Facebook group for mentorship.


Inner Healing & Deliverance – Mini Course

How do you get healed from wounds and traumas from the past? How do I get free from demonic oppression? In this course, Ryan Benroth teaches on the Biblical basis and foundations of inner (soul) healing and deliverance and leads you through some application of these principles that will produce healing and freedom in your life. This course includes the first 3 sessions of the full course Inner Healing & Deliverance 101.

Equipping the Saints for the Work of Ministry

Be filled with the fullness of Christ, so that you can pour out as a blessing to this earth.

You will learn the skills needed to be able to minister the good news of Jesus from a pure heart of love. Part of being equipped is being healed and set free yourself, so that is a great place to start for anyone. 

With experience in online instructional design that goes beyond most ministries, we continually work to create an exceptional and engaging online learning experience for you. 

We have the knowledge and experience that makes us leaders in our field, and we want to pass it on to you!